"Arabec Razikhs Legacy" (Dec)
Undeniably Arabian....
Chestnut Tobiano, 1 blue eye
D.O.B. October, 2005
Height: Approx 14.3hh
"LG" has been a crowd favourite since the day he was born. A stunning baby, with an unexpected blue eye, he epitomises what we are trying to breed here at Arabec.
Beautifully natured, with loud colour, very correct conformation and large movement, this young guy has that "Look At Me" factor that ensures that he acquires a fan club wherever he goes.
He was bred to keep and breed on.
Currently being started under saddle and exhibiting an extremely sweet and willing nature, he is now being ridden out in just a halter and seems to be enjoying the change in routine and scenery. "LG" has always been a pleasure to work with.
"LG" has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Scroll down to read his story.
"LG's" last foal has arrived. A perfect pinto filly, he truly did leave the best till last.
"Arabec Swan Song Of LG"

Arabec Razikhs Legacy
29/10/2005 - 7/12/10
"LG" suffered a paddock accident at the end of November, leaving him with a severed extensor tendon and a wide cut to the bone at the front. Although we realised that the cut went right around, we did not know the extent of the damage as the cut at the back was only about the thickness of a wire and didn't seem very deep.
Initially he was treated at home and was a model patient. Chirpy and happy, and perfectly behaved during needling and bandage changes and was obviously not too ill to enjoy talking to the ladies in the nearby stables. After a few days however, the decision was made to send him to stay with our vet so that she could monitor his progress and watch him every step of the way.
There was not much improvement in the wound in the first 9 days, which is normal as the damaged stuff dies off and comes away, however on day 10, his flexor tendons ruptured and the extremely sad decision was made to put him to rest.
"LG" was stablised for travel and brought home. As he rounded the last corner he began to nicker - he knew he was home. He now rests in his paddock, watching over the house goings on, and the mares and foals.
To know LG was to love him. He was truly the kindest, most sweetest and gentle horse I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. It wasn't handling that made him that way, he was just born an old soul. There are so many memories, yet at only 5yo there should have been so many more. He was the cornerstone of my stud and I had always said that if I lost him I would seriously consider giving up breeding, however 4 days before his injury, he gifted me with a beautiful son.
I treasure the time I got to share with him and the kids he's left behind.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one that has taken the time to offer me support or even just held us in their hearts for an instant during these past 10 days.
I am sure that although it was selfish of me to bring him home, he was happy to be here and now he is resting in his paddock watching over us and his kids.
Godspeed LG - you were truly well loved and you take a huge piece of my heart with you. It was my great pleasure to have been there when you were born and my deepest sorrow to have had to send you on your way. Rest In Peace my friend, may the Angels give you the wings you truly deserve.
Heartfelt thank you to Bryan for doing this for us
THANK YOU to Amy for this beautiful poem