"Undeniably Arabian...."
Bay filly, 50% Arabian
Eligible rego: AHSA, AAA
Although spotless, Minx is a beautiful little filly. Very bold and brave natured, she has been DNA confirmed as solid. During the treatment for her injury she has been nothing but an angel. This filly truly does not have a bad bone in her. She is growing into a lovely moving and beautifully put together young lady.
"Minx" has been withdrawn from sale due to injury.

On 5th December, Minx was found to have possibly jumped a log which had hooked her at the umbilical and tore her skin clean off her body back towards her teats. Luckily she did not puncture her stomach. The vet removed the hanging piece of skin leaving us with roughly an A4 wound complete with exposed nerve endings, so after throwing around and dismissing numerous treatments, we put honey on the padding and just placed it on the wound after the initial weeping of serum etc had slowed. After a little while, we tried Flints Oil around the edges of the wound and found such a dramatic increase in healing at the next bandage change, we put flints all over and continued with the honey as well.
She spent 3 weeks completely bandaged as you can see in the photo on the left, although as it healed, the bandaged area got smaller. At the 3 week mark, she had gotten to the stage where the itching was driving her nuts and she would just rip the bandage off within a day, so we decided to leave the bandage off.
The photo to the right was taken a month after the injury. The rapid rate of healing has been a welcome surprise. Minx has been a true angel to treat at every stage. Bandage changes were done by one person and she was such a patient little lass. She is now back out with the herd and enjoying life as a baby should.